The beginning of the fall season brings in beautiful colours on trees, cold crisp air, and sweater weather. It is also time to start preparing and strengthening your immune system for the increased rate of colds, flu’s and other illnesses around us. There are a few reasons why people tend to get sick more in the colder months.
- Your immune system works best at 37 degrees Celsius (regular body temperature), the colder temperatures cause changes in some of your vital defence mechanisms. Your mucosal membranes, the tiny hair-like structures in your throat and lungs that catch debris and pathogens, dry and slow down, and your blood flow decreases. Therefore, areas that are exposed to cooler air – your nose and lungs, do not have the quickest immune response which allows pathogens to grow quicker.
- In addition to the point above, the pathogens that make you sick are stronger and thrive more in cooler temperatures. Influenza is most stable in cool, dry temperatures and Rhinovirus (culprit of the common cold) replicates better at cooler temperatures, especially those just below body temperature, which again makes the nose and upper lungs an ideal place for them to set up camp.
- Finally, both the air indoors and out is more dry and with the windows being closed and as we transition to heating the house, there is less ventilation. This allows for aerosol droplets from sneezing and coughing to pass the pathogens along more easily. The influenza virus actually stops replicating during times of high humidity.
Our immune system is our body’s natural way of fighting off infections. A healthy immune system protects us by creating a barrier that stops the invaders from entering the body as well as producing white blood cells, chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy foreign substances.
Some of our tips to stay healthy and prepare your immune system for cold and flu season are:
- Eat a well balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables as well as decreasing sugar intake
- Get regular exercise – indoors or cover your mouth and nose if you are exercising outside
- Ensure you are getting adequate sleep
- Manage your stress levels
- See your Naturopathic Doctor to Get your Vitamin D tested and maintain adequate levels
- Vitamin C and Zinc supplementation
- Talk to your Naturopathic Doctor about the use of botanicals like Echinacea, American ginseng, astragalus, andrographis and medicinal mushrooms like coriolus, or cordyceps
If you want to ensure your immune system is in tip top shape to allow to you to get through the upcoming colder months, talk to our Naturopathic Doctors to formulate a plan that fits perfectly for you and your lifestyle.
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