Naturopathic Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit. It focuses on the root cause and distinctiveness of each individual.
Healthcare providers with the completion of a 4 year rigorous post-graduate program from an accredited naturopathic medical institution, alongside standardized licensing exams and continued education. The profession certifies clinical experience in biomedical sciences, clinical medicine, clinical nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, botanical medicine, physical medicine, physical exams, and lab testing & analysis.
Naturopathic Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit. It focuses on the root cause and distinctiveness of each individual.
Naturopathic Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit. It focuses on the root cause and distinctiveness of each individual.
Your first visit with your Naturopathic Doctor will be a comprehensive appointment, gathering all necessary information including past medical history, medical concerns, and a health plan.
Our Naturopathic Doctors are here to monitor your health. Once your main concerns for coming in are overseen, we recommend checking in with your Naturopathic Doctors 1-2x per year for annual blood work, physical exams and optimal continuity of care. This is a 45 minute appointment. If you have recent blood work, please let our patient engagement team know.
Your second visit is recommended within two weeks of your first visit and will include a full physical exam and review of your health plan. Appointments will encompass individualized treatment plans that may include acupuncture, physical medicine, and more.
If you are experiencing sudden/first onset of symptoms including cold and flu, strained muscle, anxiety or depressive episode, UTI, etc.) and require a same-day appointment, your Naturopathic Doctor will provide you with acute, direct care.
Our Naturopathic Doctors screen & diagnose for women’s health. This appointment includes Pap testing, Vaginals Swabs, Bimanual exam & breast exam. If you may need an STI check or IUD insertion, please see our Nurse Practitioner.
Naturopathic physicians are trained as primary healthcare providers with the completion of a 4 year rigorous post-graduate program from an accredited naturopathic medical institution, alongside standardized licensing exams and continued education. The profession certifies clinical experience in biomedical sciences, clinical medicine, clinical nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, botanical medicine, physical medicine, physical exams, and lab testing & analysis.
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