Between the colourful scenery and all things pumpkin-spiced, we’re pretty familiar with the signature touches of autumn. However, you may also begin to notice some other changes that always seem to creep in at around this time of year. Has your sleep suddenly grown a bit more restless? Is your energy inexplicably low despite seemingly not doing anything differently? Are you finding yourself moodier and snappier for no apparent reason? Many people are familiar with what is commonly referred to as “winter blues,” but Seasonal Affective Disorder (a drop in mood that corresponds to changing seasons, often the shift from summer to winter) is actually more common than many realize, and often begins much sooner than we might expect. While the onset of these emotional changes have been associated with the reduction in daylight hours that occurs during this time of year, the symptoms often begin to appear well before the winter solstice in December, and are often first noticed as early as September or October.
If you’re among the individuals who have noticed their mood, concentration, and energy levels taking their annual downturn, you fortunately do not have to resign yourself to six months of misery. Some go-to methods for boosting your mood include getting the most out of what daylight we do have by taking walks or occupying indoor spaces with lots of windows letting natural light in, getting plenty of exercise to get the endorphins flowing and boost overall energy, and sticking to a reliable routine to help you stay grounded. If the symptoms are getting in the way of your ability to function, it may also be helpful to explore options such as melatonin, vitamin D supplementation, light therapy, or other interventions that can help regulate circadian rhythms with your family doctor. And as always, take advantage of the emotional outlets you have available to you, be it speaking with a counsellor, journaling, confiding in a close friend, or channeling your seasonal frustrations into any other creative or productive activity you can think of! There is a lot to celebrate about the cooler months of the year, and that smaller daylight window does not have to hold you back.
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