Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble B vitamin that plays an important role in many functions in the body like DNA synthesis, energy production, red blood cell formation, nerve health and function. Our body can store but cannot make vitamin B12 so we have to get it from external sources. Vitamin-B12 can be found naturally in a variety of foods, mostly animal products like meat, fish and dairy. Vitamin B-12 is also added to some foods and is available as a dietary supplement or injection.
Vitamin B12 is bound to proteins in foods. Adequate stomach acid is required to release the vitamin from the protein, and a substance called intrinsic factor is necessary to ensure its absorption. If we have issues with stomach acid, absorption, we just don’t get enough in our diet or are in a special group at higher risk we can be at risk of being deficient or having inadequate supplies of B12, which can lead to various symptoms.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency can include but aren’t limited to:
- Decreased cognitive function, such as issues with memory or understanding
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Feeling faint
- Depression or irritability
- Headaches
- Brain Fog
- Heart palpitations
- Mouth ulcers
- Pins and needles, weakness, stiffness, tingling
- Vision changes
There are several scenarios where B12 levels are affected and put you at risk of having low levels of B12, they can include:
- Heavy alcohol use
- Smoking
- Some prescription medications like antacids and type 2 diabetes drugs
- Having an endocrine-related autoimmune disorder like diabetes or thyroid issue
- Eating strictly vegetarian or vegan diet
- Having gastrointestinal disorder that effects stomach acid or absorption like Crohn's or celiac disease
- Increasing in age
Anyone who is displaying any of the signs and symptoms of a B-12 deficiency or pernicious anemia should consult their Primary care physician or Naturopathic Doctor immediately.
What You Can Do
Increasing your B12 levels can be done by supplementation or injections. There are many benefits to getting B12 injections. Supplementing by injection bypasses your digestive system and what we call the “First-pass effect”. This is when some of the nutrient is lost either through not getting absorbed or being too quickly metabolized by the liver and not making it to the tissues to be utilized. While most commonly used to correct deficiencies or inadequate stores, B 12 shots can also be beneficial for many conditions. Conditions that B12 supplementation can be helpful for include, Megaloblastic and Pernicious Anemia, cognitive disorders, Stress, anxiety and depression, Migraines, Chronic fatigue, Neuralgia: peripheral neuropathy, Sciatica, Trigeminal neuralgia, Shingles (herpes zoster), DNA and Epigenetic function, Fertility, heart disease, macular degeneration and tinnitus.
Generally B12 shots are well tolerated. Since it is water soluble, vitamin B12 is non-toxic. In the case of excess dosing, this means that it will be excreted in the urine. Although rare side effect may include, allergic reactions such as redness and hives, nausea and swallowing difficulties, hypertension, one might see a worsening of acne symptoms (acneiform exanthema), and symptoms of being nervous and excitable after injections have been reported especially in patients who are very sensitive or experience chronic fatigue and/or fibromyalgia. Most side effects are quickly reduced by discontinuation of supplementation or decreasing the dose.
If you are interested in learning more about B12 injections or would like to see if they can help you with your health journey book in a free 15 min consult here:
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